Akaljed's Notes

Various tech stuff

Dedicated Fun Corner

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The Esoteric Game from Microsoft

Anybody ever seen this completely esoteric Microsoft game? From how it looks like it might be a Jump & Run game.  As a hypothesis, the colorful blocks probably mean different events when you touch them. For example: Green blocks:good, red blocks:bad. Blue blocks:game over. The blocks with the red hatching could be surprise blocks?

Actually, there’s a Microsoft help file included (as well as a beetle game, that allows you to create various bugs and beetles). The wondrous help file contains a list of color meanings (for the depicted blocks). For the readers enlightenment, I will dump it here:

Light blue
Standard DMA packet from the context CPU queue that is associated with SchBillboard.exe

Light blue with red hatches
Present packet from the context CPU queue that is associated with SchBillboard.exe

Dark khaki
Standard DMA packet from the context CPU queue that is associated with Dwm.exe

Paging packet that is associated with the Dxgkrnl.sys paging preparation thread

Preemption request packet

Hot pink
Wait command that is used for synchronization

Dark pink
Signal command that is used for synchronization

Present packet that is associated with Dwm.exe

So you can now try here and lookup these colorful blocks.

No luck? What do you mean with “Not in the list?” Probably you are more lucky with those next blocks (I got them by using OpenQVis. However, in the next trial, they were – guess – dark blue.):

Obviously we are supposed to find out the meanings of these olive green blocks ourselves. But it looks pretty.

Now guess what this really depicts. 😉

Written by akaljed

August 14, 2011 at 7:00 pm

Posted in Fun